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The eBook Portuguese in 7 Weeks shows you the 365 most common words in Portuguese with 3 examples each. When you finish reading it, you willl be able to understand 90% of basic Portuguese articles.
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Welcome to Brazil Food. Learn words about table items, grain & dairy products, spice & desserts on this page. Then, visit our pages on fish, fruit, meat and vegetables.
Brazil Food - Table Items
Português colher garfo faca prato copo xícara pires tigela bandeja saleiro pimenteira toalha de mesa guardanapo talheres louça panela chaleira cristaleira jarra frigideira |
English spoon fork knife plate glass cup saucer bowl tray saltshaker peppershaker tablecloth napkin silverware dishes pan kettle (tea) china cabinet pitcher frying pan |
Brazil Food - Grains & Dairy Products
Português arroz feijão aveia centeio cevada trigo creme iogurte leite manteiga margarina nata picolé queijo sorvete |
English rice beans oat rye barley wheat cream yogurt milk butter margarine whipped cream popsicle cheese ice cream |
Brazil Food - Spice, Desserts, Miscelaneous
Português sorvete canela cacau alho pimenta sal açúcar vinagre biscoitos bolo torta gelatina pudim geléia mel creme de amendoim ketchup mostarda |
English ice cream cinnamon cocoa garlic pepper salt sugar vinegar cookies cake pie jello pudding jam honey peanut butter ketchup mustard |
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Portuguese Words
1. Adjectives 2. Animals 3. Beach 4. Beverages 5. Body Parts |
6. Clothing 7. Countries 8. Colors 9. Days 10. Face |
11. Family 12. Food 13. Gospel 14. House 15. Jobs |
16. Months 17. Numbers 18. Ordinals 19. Places 20. Question Words |
21. School 22. Sports 23. Weather |