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Now you can read a page a day, improve your vocabulary and book a live class with Teacher Charlles Nunes.

The eBook Portuguese in 7 Weeks shows you the 365 most common words in Portuguese with 3 examples each. When you finish reading it, you willl be able to understand 90% of basic Portuguese articles.

  • Yes, without memorizing lists,
  • Yes, without studying any grammar

Click in the green button, and pay what you want - beginning with $5.

Facts about Brazil

Welcome to Facts about Brazil. Here you will find interesting facts about the Brazilian way of Life. ;-)

Brazil is...

    The only country in South American whose language is Portuguese.
    One of the easiest places in the world to make friends.
    The producer of the world’s best coffee.
    One of the fastest growing business in the world.
    A founding member of the United Nations and the G20.
    Considered to have the largest collection of beautiful and unusual flowers in the world.
    One of the world’s leading producers of hydroelectric power.
    Brazil is the largest country in South America and the fifty in the world.
    The world’s leading source of precious and semi-precious stones.
    One of the 10 most powerful countries in the world.


Our mission is to help one person at a time to learn Portuguese. Almost all of our resources are FREE.

We run a language school in Brazil. Our students are ready to talk to people from all over the world who study Portuguese. Sign up our newsletter and be informed when our Language Exchange Programs are open.

BLZ Idiomas. Our language school in Angra dos Reis - Rio.This is our language school in Angra dos Reis - Rio - Brazil.


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